You are absolutely right! White House is a two-county stepchild.

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This is another good article.

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White House has ALWAYS been the step child, ALWAYS! Certain members get angry when it’s mentioned, yet here we are again. They’ve been censoring meetings in Sumner since my kids were in school, people would rather sit there and complain on hip WH than to go to a meeting. Someone posted another “multi use” facility on ND that has been in the works since last January off of 31 and 25 and “heard” it’s resurfacing. I’m not sure if it’s been shelved and recirculated in fear, or if it’s becoming a reality. They better look closely at where that water will run off to being a recipient of that misfortune here in town!!

It’s also being mentioned they are finding out that many of the new apartments in Hendersonville and the Gallatin area are adding on HOA fees. Where does it end? Maybe they’ve always charged it possibly renamed due to last years law suit? Not sure. I know there were BIG issues around how they charged for water. I’ve never seen water bills so high in the city limits. My son and daughter in law lived in a complex in town and they were paying more for their water than we were at our home with no good reason! I suspect someone was making money on that line item here in WH or the property owner, maybe using it for property maintenance, not sure who governs them if anyone. This is why government gets so darned out of control. If folks would just do their best to do things honestly we wouldn’t have half the problems we have today, yet here we are. . Thanks, I’m going to need more coffee this morning! Good Lord. Thank you, always great information coming through, we appreciate you!

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