For the record, I’ve not yet attended a school board meeting. In Robertson County, they are in Springfield, I live in White House. The meetings start at 6 pm. During cross country season, I’m at practice, during wrestling season I won’t make it after practice on time. My understanding is that they discuss all of the items in the 5pm study session, and rapid vote in the 6 pm meeting. The people aren’t allowed to speak their minds at all. You can sign up to speak on an agenda item, but you have to submit what you are going to say in writing the Friday before the meeting. Sounds like good old fashioned freedom doesn’t it?
This summer, several of the members were up for reelection and actually had competition. Unfortunately for all of us, the competition ran on charter schools. Very few people in Robertson County want charter schools. They all lost. We retained all of the members that have no interest in hearing from parents. We had one last hope for changing the board. At least a voice to get us in front of the board to discuss actual issues in the county. He lost by less than 100 votes. Although, that’s huge when only roughly 700 people voted in his district.
So, we will have 2-4 more years where you cannot speak to the school board. I have questions for them. There is language in the coaches’ handbook that does not make legal sense. There are issues regarding assistant coaches’ pay. There are issues with testing and transportation. There are issues with sports and facilities.There is the elephant in the room that they are building 1100 houses on my road without a new school in the works. I can email my representative and the board, but these issues are NEVER made public because they will never be in front of the board in numbers. We cannot speak to our representatives.
Sumner County, you are not exempt. In fact it’s even crazier over there. White House, you should be particularly upset. Your school board representative doesn’t even live in the district. She ran as she was building a house in district 8, which includes White House.
Her new house is the pink dot between Upper Station Camp and Hwy 25. Her new address is 490 Cummings Lane. I can post that because your address is public when you are running for office. She did NOT live in district 8 when she pulled papers to run, but was building a home in district 8. Megan Breinig was living at 171 Wynbrook Trace in Hendersonville which was District 3. Here is her home in District 3. It’s the yellow mark above the number 3.
What she has done is not illegal. Per state statute 49-2-201, “School bard members must be a resident of the district in which they wish to run.” Ms. Breinig was in the process of building a home in district 8 when she pulled papers to run for school board. Her home was NOT finished by the August 1st deadline. However, in order to maintain her legal residence as being in district 8, she placed a camper on the property with utilities in her name so that she could maintain “residency “for the election. She’s legal(ish).
Let me get this straight though…….. A woman who did not live in district 8, but was moving there, pulled papers to run in district 8 and then won. Notice her campaign address.
She did not live there in February of 2024. She was in the process of building there. She and her husband moved into their home in Hendersonville in 2022. In 2023 they bought their property in Cottontown. They built their house and should be living there in the next couple of months when she is sworn in on the school board.
Do you think she will represent White House??? Her new home is closer to Liberty Creek, and from what I’ve been told, her kids go to Merrol Hyde.
She’s the red map dot on this map. If you look at the district map for 8, Liberty Creek is in it.
If I had to guess, she’s not shopping in White House. If I had to guess, she’s never driven her kids to HB Williams or the middle school on 31W. If I had to guess, she’s not pissed as hell at the fact that there still isn’t a crossing guard directing traffic on 31W during school pick up and drop off. If I had to guess, she’s not attending high school football games at the field in the middle of town. So White House, who is representing you on the school board?
It seems to me that Liberty Creek was built, and instead of making sure the district was split, they just went ahead and left it the way it was. Someone from Hendersonville moved into the district and decided to run for office. Well, almost moved into the district. Now district 8 has Liberty Creek and White House in it. Who’s fighting for you?
Again, nothing illegal, it just all comes down to representation. I feel this deeply over here in Robertson County. The good doctor, Sabi Kumar, lives over in Springfield and only comes to White House when there is something lovely going on. You know, like a chamber meeting when he tells us all the great things he’s doing as our representative, or election season.
White House, we are getting left out, left behind, and screwed ten ways to Sunday. We are split over two counties, so neither county seems to give a flying F about what goes on over here. You didn’t even know that she wasn’t living in your district when you voted for school board did you? Did you even know the vote was happening?
I’m so tired of taxation without representation. I’m tired of people making decisions for me that don’t even live here. It gets old. How about you?
You are absolutely right! White House is a two-county stepchild.
This is another good article.