We live off of 31w just south of White House. Ever since all of these new housing developments have been going up and people moving in, we see people passing on the right lane and severely tailgating ( can’t see the grill of the car in the rear view mirror ) all the time. WHPD and SCSO needs to start fining people for such behaviors

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Wow! I’ be totally embarrassed as a parent to know my child said that. I gave my kids options. They could only get one question on their driving test wrong, or I wasn’t adding them to my insurance bet BEFORE that they had to pass my questions for two weeks. If they didn’t pass they didn’t get to take the test. They through I was the meanest mom on the planet, but as a parent you realize they could not only harm themselves, but others too if they got wrong. How can you be so stupid to think signs in a development would include passing?! It’s so stupid, it’s not even laughable. God help us all if this is the generation called to keep us out of messes as a country. Wow!

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The woman who said this was 44!!!!!! She's old enough to know better.

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Again, WOW! There’s just too much of this to even police. We’ve added dash cams to all of our vehicles, might have to add the rear also. I’m not sure I want to record all those times I have dump trucks and others a few inches off my tail. I will generally do a few MPH over, hoping it will appease them but it doesn’t. Those trucks coming in and out of College street are always in a rush, they must get paid by the load. Now those rushing up Raymond HIrsch are just as bad. I’m not going to be intimidated, but they sure try hard. Prayers for your daughter/children! It’s why I fought so hard for that left turn signal at WHHS. I’m sure I wasn’t alone. Kids need to be able to learn how to drive on safe roads without having to deal with these crazy people.

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I'm with you 100 percent, 30 feels like I'm flying in a residential neighborhood. Too bad that a lot of people just don't give a crap, or don't realize we're all in this together.

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I honestly believe we are living in an age of narcissists. A lot of people think they are the only humans on the planet and the rest of the world are NPCs. I blame video games and the "everyone gets a trophy" crowd. It's really quite sad.

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We use to have speed islands in the subdivision , took them out during the last pavement, have ask for them back and the excuse is , they could damage the ambulance and firetrucks is what we were told.

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We live on Indian Ridge Boulevard right on the corner by the tennis courts. I can’t tell you how many times a day we see cars fly through the stop sign, and yes, there have been several accidents. There needs to be a way to slow traffic down in this neighborhood.

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