I read your post on the two candidates. The first guy sounded clueless. Need to take a look at what’s on the shelves in the library for kids to see how effective he’s been in that job. Ignorance is not a cute suit to put on.

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I read all of your informative (and entertaining) writing, Nikki. I must have overlooked what was said by Mr. Beck (or it was not for public eyes.) Regardless, I applaud you for posing the questions to the two aldermen candidates. They were succinct, straightforward, and well composed. You asked what anyone who cares about future leadership in our fine community would want to know about a candidate. I for one am grateful that you have responded to your “calling” to serve as our “reporter” of things that matter to WH (even though you don’t live in the city limits.) The fact that you have invested of yourself and your time to a cause to which you have no voting rights only adds to your credibility and objectivity. And I’m sure being a busy mom with kids involved in sports (which absorbs a lot of time and energy), you could spend your hours doing other things that matter to the life of your family and you. THANK YOU for your passion in “letting the sunshine in” on what matters to us White House folks! We need you! You are a wonderful writer and patriot!

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It was in his response to the questions. You didn't miss it. And thank you.

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Thanks Nikki, I appreciate your articles and summaries for our community meetings. I disagree with your statement that Mr. Becks comments are misinformed. There are in fact many city residents not aware of the proposed tax increase. Is it due to a lack of transparency or communication on the city’s part? No, it’s simply people don’t care to be bothered or are too busy to take two minutes to read your articles or get a little more involved in their community. Maybe you could include a cat video or ticktock challenge every now and again? What I did like about Mr Becks response was that he said he would oppose the tax increase which I agree with. Would 50-75 dollars a year cause me undue stress? No, it wouldn’t but if he believes the city could make these improvements within the current budget why should we not consider that first? Both candidates are qualified for the role and I believe have good intentions for their community. I commend both for their commitment and decision to run for office.

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Thank you, and you are correct, many people did not know. But I agree, they are just too busy until they want to complain. Personally, I would like to see the property tax completely abolished. It is immoral. I hate tax increases, but finding $12 million in 2-3 years for these projects is just silly. I was at the budget sessions, and there are rules regarding capital projects. You can't just move money around. (things I've learned) Yes, I agree, both men have good intentions for the community. Thank you for continuing to follow me.

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