This Substack started in March of 2022. Many of you know the story of a middle aged woman that was really unhappy about the developments going in on her road, how she told the local paper about the state of the mayor, and how they ignored her and wrote a fluffy piece on how the mayor “retired” early. That woman is me, and I am actually middle aged now, the big 50. That first article I wrote had 29 views. My guess is 14 of them were actually my husband looking for typos. That March, all I knew is that none of us knew what what going on in our local government. I didn’t start out to change that, but that is where I ended up.
There is the list from my Substack for my first few posts.
Here are the stats from my last three.
Print media is dead. Let me repeat that for those in the back and those that still think we are living in the 1980’s. PRINT MEDIA IS DEAD. (don’t get me wrong, I could go back to the 80’s) We have a local paper, it comes out once a week, and it covers big crime, local football and baseball games, and feel good stories. Oh, and Sabi Kumar contributes something when he’s campaigning. Like it or not, most people get their news from Facebook and X these days.
Gone are the days when you know what was happening in your city or town by talking to the waitress at the local cafe. Gone are the days when reporters were at city meetings and writing about local happenings on a daily basis. Again, like it or not, our news comes to us online. Local news? That is really a thing of the past. The only time I see one of the Robertson County reporters, is at a wrestling county cup, a state tournament, or a chamber luncheon. Getting them to a wrestling event is like pulling teeth too.
Why am I hashing all of this out? So glad you asked. Last week I sent questions to the ward 3 aldermen candidates. Both candidates returned their responses and I posted them for you in my previous Substack. Both obviously care about the city and want to serve the people that live here. However, in my opinion, one is misinformed.
My question is this…….Do you need a handwritten hand delivered message to your home about the taxes and road projects? The road projects were discussed back in February and the special session on the budget was in May. I have articles about both of those meetings. Over 1000 people read them. That’s not many considering that over 15k people live in White House. However, there are 30k members of HIP White House.
I have posted every one of these articles on that page, the HIPPER page, and the HIP not official page. They are posted in my private group, and sometimes on my own personal page. When I feel like it might interest other people outside of White House, I post stories on X.
My question to Mr. Beck, is where else would you like the information? The city has a Facebook page, a website, and a newsletter that goes out monthly. That one is mailed to your home. The mayor and a few of the aldermen actually posted on their personal pages about the tax increase. Mayor Corbitt posted on HIP WH. They asked for feedback. Did you know that the new board also added public comment? Not just for agenda items, but for anything you want to talk about. No one commented or spoke about the tax increase.
Every time I ask the planning department for information, they freely give it. Every time I ask the administrator’s office for information, they freely give it. Sometimes the planning director will give me updates on projects that I have written about without me even asking. Then I share it with you.
I realize and understand there are people not on Facebook. I personally hate Facebook. However, print media is dead and this is the most efficient way to disseminate information to the greatest number of people.
At this point, if you don’t know what is going on in the city of White House, it is because you were too busy to pay attention. I have been at every planning meeting, BOMA meeting and state of the city for the past 2.5 years. I have shared every one of them with you.
So Mr. Beck, my feelings are a little hurt that you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter. It is free, but if you send me your email, I will gift you a lifetime paid subscription. I’m not sure there is any where else around the area that has someone like me that attends these meetings and brings the information to the people. Maybe if there were, more people would know what is going on in their cities and we would have fewer national builders in small towns.
Please note that I cannot vote in the city election. I live .1 miles out of city limits. I’ve never been able to vote in the city elections, I just care about my road, the kids who have to learn to drive in this mess, and the kids who are going to run out of space at school. With that being said, I am endorsing and encouraging my friends to vote for Jeremy Sisk. He knows what has been going on at the city not just now, but in the past.
At this point in the game, if you don’t know what is going on in your city, it is because you haven’t taken a moment to click on the link that was provided to you on Facebook. If you don’t have Facebook, and local politics are important to you, you would have checked out the city’s website or attended a meeting.
This is the board. These are the addresses, phone numbers, and emails. I took these right off of their website. Not hidden or anything.
Mr. Beck, what exactly is YOUR plan to make things more transparent, or create better communication? If you have one, I personally would like to hear it. Having more readers would make me unbelievably happy. While you come up with a plan, I will gladly ask my friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens to vote for Jeremy Sisk.
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I read your post on the two candidates. The first guy sounded clueless. Need to take a look at what’s on the shelves in the library for kids to see how effective he’s been in that job. Ignorance is not a cute suit to put on.
I read all of your informative (and entertaining) writing, Nikki. I must have overlooked what was said by Mr. Beck (or it was not for public eyes.) Regardless, I applaud you for posing the questions to the two aldermen candidates. They were succinct, straightforward, and well composed. You asked what anyone who cares about future leadership in our fine community would want to know about a candidate. I for one am grateful that you have responded to your “calling” to serve as our “reporter” of things that matter to WH (even though you don’t live in the city limits.) The fact that you have invested of yourself and your time to a cause to which you have no voting rights only adds to your credibility and objectivity. And I’m sure being a busy mom with kids involved in sports (which absorbs a lot of time and energy), you could spend your hours doing other things that matter to the life of your family and you. THANK YOU for your passion in “letting the sunshine in” on what matters to us White House folks! We need you! You are a wonderful writer and patriot!