I’m not sure why they would give access to comment on agenda items to those that live outside of the city, unless we are talking about those on Calista and those large communities considered “county”? I never did understand why we wouldn’t annex those folks, unless it’s a sewer and water issue. I would like to know if they ever plan to do so. Poplar Ridge is another large neighborhood that would fit that category. Regardless, seems to me they could find a way for citizens to have a way to communicate since it’s almost impossible to reach and be HEARD by some aldermen. I’ve have numerous conversations with mine regarding a left turn signal at WHHS, and last I attempted to contact mine there was no email available. That shouldn’t even happen.

Maybe written format would be better, rather than giving speaking access since I do understand the concern of becoming Hip White House. That concern shouldn’t silence citizens, there should be a way to provide it in spite of their concerns. Seems a little heavy handed.

As far as meetings, some of the meetings I attempted to attend, we we herded in to the auditorium with little chance to speak. You could hear the speakers but you couldn’t hear the board because of the mic situation, maybe it was the other way around, regardless, it was one sided. Needless to say I stopped going. I was working full time and watching grand babies on my off time, I wasn’t going to sit in an auditorium and not be seen or heard.

As a side note it was asked (also while I attended the meetings that were permitted in) what they would do with the population growth with schools, and it was mentioned by one alderman that it wasn’t their concern, it was a county issue, or that there was good home schooling programs if they felt it was too full and the county wasn’t responding. I found that very offensive and I don’t even have children in school.

I am sure these folks have had their hands full these last few years, and I appreciate their efforts, I suspect their jobs are not easy. Let’s hope and pray the right people are in the right places this coming term so that we can continue to grow smart and benefit our community.

Thanks for all you do Nikki! This is good information to have.

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The reason that people who live outside city limits should be allowed to speak to certain items is that when they are annexing property so far out of city limits that no one in city limits is directly affected by the change. That is what happened with The Parks. People outside city limits were allowed to speak at the planning meeting, but not so much at the BOMA meeting. They are elected officials. They are elected and paid to listen to the people whether it is on topic or not. The only way for citizens to be sure they are listened to and it is recorded, is at a public meeting. And you are correct, they have passed the buck to the county numerous times. You are welcome.

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Regarding new property developments and the importance of upcoming elections, I'd like to comment on my own experience with the recent North Palmers Chappel development. (Feel free to share.)

When it was proposed, I was one of the citizens packed in at all of the planning commission meetings. I was also writing to the BOMA and in direct contact with my alderman (ward 2/Decker - who assured me that he would never vote in favor of the rezoning.). In the end, the planning commission voted unamiously against rezoning for the development. The normal process was that only if a development was approved by the planning commision, did it go to the BOMA to be voted upon. However, at the subsequent BOMA meeting, despite the planning commission's vote , it was passed unamously. I never saw any public notice that this was going before the BOMA.

As I see it, the WH Master plan meant nothing. The opposition of the impacted neighbors meant nothing. The decision of the planning commission meant nothing. The impact on the Greenway didn't matter.

In the end, the developer got what he wanted. Politics as usual, in White House.

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I found the planning minutes on that. I just requested the BOMA minutes for that. My understanding is that legally the developer can bring a zoning request to the BOMA even if Planning denied them. That's big one there. They have ruined the look of the greenway on that side of the trail.

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