On Saturday morning I went to the Robertson County Republicans meeting where I announced that I was going to primary Sabi Kumar. Mr. Kumar was there in attendance. After my very brief announcement, Mr. Kumar stood up in front of the room, directly in front of me and welcomed me to the constitutional process. After that he told the room that I had written a political hit piece on him where I accused him of being a greedy politician. He told me if I would sign a confidentiality agreement he would allow me to look at his tax returns. He then pointed BOTH fingers in my face and demanded I write a retraction. He has been “blessed” and has donated his income to charity. As I calmly sat there laying out the papers I had brought, he continued on. I mentioned that the money I was talking about was campaign donations and he can only use that on campaigns. He agreed. He then said he’s never spent a single night in the Nashville condo. That is basically an office where he writes and can be used in case of bad weather. So I held up the copies of his subdivided property and asked if this was the property he owned in Robertson County. He of course had no idea what he was looking at.
You remember this one from the last article. I then mentioned that he sold it to a developer. He said that was not illegal. You’re right Mr. Kumar not illegal. After he stood in front of me defending himself and pointing his fingers in my face, he finally went back to his politician’s smile and walked away.
Here’s my “retraction.” You work for ME Mr. Kumar! I will not call you doctor because you are not my doctor, you are my representative. It is my right as a US citizen and a Tennessee citizen to address you with my grievances.
The first screenshot is the US constitution, and the second is the TN constitution. These two documents let me and my representative know that I can say whatever I want about my government as long as I do not threaten or make accusations I cannot prove.
In my last article I provided FACTS.
Highway 431 in Springfield is four lanes from town to 1.2 miles from the county line.
There are plans to finish 431 to I24
Kumar’s property was rezoned to a PUD
Kumar’s property is on the section of 431 that was finished
Kumar sold his property to a developer for $3 million
Highway 76 did not make the ten year plan with TDOT
Kumar has accepted campaign donations from Pzifer
Kumar and his daughter are Nikki Haley delegates
These are all facts that I backed up with documentation in my last article. Feel free to read that one again if you have questions.
Do I think that Mr. Kumar is getting rich on campaign donations? No. Donations can only be used for your campaign. Do I think he is an elitist that thinks he’s smarter than the rest of us and wants to tell us what’s best for us? Yes, actually I do think that. Doctors go to school for a very long time. Surgeons even longer. They are not used to being questioned. They are the top of their field. You may be the top of your field as a doctor, but you are still human and still American.
Mr. Kumar has the same problem as every other politician in American minus our new board here in White House. They are the 1%. I’m not talking hate the rich. The politicians are the oligarchy in America. They think they are so much smarter than the rest of us and want to tell the rest of us how to live.
Did you know that it takes about $100k to run for an office like state rep? You need to raise that kind of money to run and then still knock about 6000+ doors. I would have a hard time raising that kind of money before August. Kumar already has it.
Well, here is where I admit that Mr. Kumar is blessed. My son ended up with injury this weekend that will require surgery on Wednesday. We will have appointments and rehab for the next three months at minimum. I cannot run for office. I am the stay at home take care of my children mom. My family needs me and I won’t be able to knock doors and campaign while this is going on. I guess God likes the good doctor better. Maybe I should have been a surgeon so I too could be blessed. Tell you what though, I’m still voting “None of the Above.”
By the way, he offered me $1000 if I could find a liberal piece of legislation he supported. I’ll take that money in cash please. The voucher bill is death to private schools.
Having the ability to expose politicians who pass laws to enrich themselves at the expense of others is an essential feature of democracy. That doesn't happen by itself though, it takes time and courage at the very least. Just ask Alexei Navalny's widow. Partisan politics aside, John Lewis was right when he said “Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.” Thanks for getting into good trouble, I hope your son heals up quickly.
I worked since I was 16 until I was redirected to become a stay at home mom in my 40’s. I had a job I loved, it was the hardest thing to leave, but having a daughter on the spectrum, I knew my attention had to be her and family. Just about the time I was ready to go back to work full time, my son became a type 1 diabetic, it was a clear message. I stand by the quote “your greatest contribution to the universe may not be something you do, but someone you raise”. God had a different plan for me and my family. You seem to be doing a great job keeping yours in balance. Faith and balance to me is everything. Good piece. Good for you for standing your ground. You do it well, and do it for all of us that don’t have a voice. Thanks!