I wanted to make this meeting so badly. So thankful for how it turned out! I’ve been working overtime with grandchildren lately, between their two schedules and my husband’s I’m pooped! Forgot all about it until I saw it on my calendar. Sounds like it had great representation from citizens, and good conversation. I too am thankful they are holding to promises! We still have a few more waves of growth and I’m telling you just driving through Hendersonville is eye opening, many of them are coming from WH. I sure wish we had the next level of restaurants here because we’re losing that tax money to Hendersonville not having them. Colorado Grill can’t handle them all, Cracker Barrel isn’t my go to, it’s OK and has it’s place in the community, but it’s not a higher end eatery, locals who used to be able to flow in pretty freely to some of these places are dealing with a different ball game now with those that have moved here, which is forcing us to Hendersonville. It’s nuts!

Thanks again, great job as usual.

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Thank you. Until we have lunch crowds here, restaurants will still be an issue. Most of the sit down restaurants aren't just looking for rooftops, they need business and industry to support a lunch crowd. We still do not have that. We are still a bedroom community.

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So true!

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Thanks for the update Nikki, even if you couldn't make the meeting in person. It looks like our new leaders are doing what they said they would do when we elected them, which is to put the brakes on new housing projects. One thing that surprised me is that Wawa wants to put a gas station on the Days Inn lot. They already have two gas stations there, and it looks like a third one is almost done, across form Love's. Four competing gas stations at one intersection? Am I missing something? You'd think the I-65 traffic would warrant a restaurant or two.

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From my understanding, Wawa is higher end food/gas station. There is a truck stop there, so I'm sure the traffic warrants it, especially as Nashville grows. I don't shop over there, but more power to them. It's better than the Days Inn. And yes, our leaders are doing what they said they would. Thankful for that.

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