News is big business now, mostly owned by big corporations. I suspect a lot of the journalistic standards have disappeared because foxes are guarding the hen house, and those foxes are more interested in profit than facts. Also, the evolution from printed news to digital news is a bit like the wild, wild west. How does one go about finding unbiased, fact checked news? Where are the standards?

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Great questions. At this point it is writers with skin in the game that are trying to bring the news to the people. It's why I started.

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What happened to the “Fourth Estate”? The press is what stirred up people and helped create our country. The press has become a vehicle for peddling wares and a tool for the highest bidder. Sad.

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Exactly my point!! They have sold their souls to the highest bidder.

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I am so proud that someone (Nikki) is finally exposing and demanding accountability from any party that is being unethical. My family has owned property for many many years and vultures continue to circle and do any and everything to make decisions affecting OUR right to peace and respect concerning OUR property . You go girl and I will try and do my part in what is necessary exposing and holding accountability for any and everyone involved no matter what entity they represent.

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I can’t imagine what else would have happened without your reports. That good ole boy network ran deep and they never thought it would end. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m afraid it could have been so much worse.

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That article about the "retirement" of Arnold is one of the reasons I'm here. Thank you for following me.

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