Board of Mayor and Aldermen met on Thursday night for their monthly meeting. Absent from this meeting was Mayor Farris Bibb. Bibb was in the hospital earlier in the week and was possibly still there the night of the meeting. Alderman and Vice Mayor Clif Hutson presided over the meeting. After the prayer and the pledge, the newly appointed alderman, Carlos Payne, was sworn in.
After the agenda was adopted and the minutes from last month were approved, the public hearings were opened. No one was signed up to speak. Alderman Decker officially welcomed Payne, and city administrator Gerald Herman gave an update.
The water line in for the town center is progressing- should be done by the end of the fiscal year
US31W/ Sage Road construction had stalled. Contractor is having staffing shortages. They are under a contractual deadline. They are back to work now.
The water treatment plant expansion is out to Bill Moss Road. The contractor is on top of getting reimbursements from TDEC (TN Dept Environment and Conservation) That keeps the funding balance high.
June 16th is the ribbon cutting for the new city building
June 18th there will be an auction selling off items from the old city building
On that Saturday the community will be given the opportunity to participate in “If These Walls Could Talk.” They will be able to write memories on the walls of the building.
Ordinance 22-04- Amending the fiscal budget- Passed-No discussion
Ordinance 22-06- Ceagus Clark spoke on this- Passed
Adding back design elements that were removed after the housing collapse of 2009
Only 25% of homes in a subdivision can be front loaded garages
Adding side and rear loaded garages
Gives the city the ability to have nicer developments.
Ordinance 22-07- Amending zoning for campground standards- Ceagus Clark spoke- Passed
Clark stated that we currently have no campgrounds in the city
3 inquiries in the past two years
Was discussed at length in last meeting
Ordinance 22-08- Adopting new budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023- Passed
Ordinance 22-09- Amending Tax rate- Passed
Tax rates will stay the same for next year.
Rate is $1.28/100k
Ordinance 22-10- Sewer Rate Fees and Charges- Passed
Sewer budget is separate from the city budget
The state requires an increase each year
Revenue from sewer needs to exceed expenditures or the state steps in
Haven’t increased storm water fees in years
Purchasing- Approved the bid on the new tennis courts- Parks Director Spoke
Bid came in higher than budgeted for
Contractor will reduce cost by $50k if allowed more time to complete
If the parking lot and lights planned are removed it will cost $400k less
Opted for concrete instead of asphalt so that the courts last longer
$1.8 million project
Approved this with the full project accepting the $50k decrease but keeping the parking lot and lights
After speaking with the parks director, this is my understanding of what is going in there. The green line is the road that will continue through this area into the new apartment complex. The courts will be moved to the west, and expanded for more courts. There will be a pavilion in the plan, and the parking lot will be larger with lights. This is just my simple rendering from the conversation with Kevin Whittaker, parks director.
Here is the link to the agenda packet from this month’s meeting.
If you are enjoying my updates feel free to send me a cup of coffee through Venmo. @Nicole-Taylor-262
You are amazing, Nikki! I wish you had some official leadership with our city, but if you did, you would be stifled from reporting the facts (& opinions) as you do so well. I would like to know what prompted you to take on this worthy endeavor. Regardless, I/we are proud of you & thankful you follow what’s going on & share with the community!