Brilliant work from a lot of effort on your part. Sadly, Most of us are too lazy to worry and fret about it. We are frogs in the pot. The water has gotten hotter so slowly over the decades that we continue to be happily unaware.

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You are not wrong. I hesitated publishing this article. However, I am reminded that all that's needed for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. I do not want to face the judgement seat and say that I did nothing. Thank you for your support.

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Excellent write up. All you need to do is follow the money. The schools and the government don't care about our kids. Mine would still be home schooled if life had continued the way it was going. As it is my kids are in Heritage schools. I'm thankful for a decent school for them to attend. I know a bunch of teachers (was married to one) who do an excellent job but sadly they are working with their hands tied behind their backs from people who could care less about our kids.

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Right on point!

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Thank you Nikki. Please continue to keep us informed.

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