On Tuesday night the board of zoning appeals will be meeting to discuss a zoning change for a property on Wilkinson Road. This is the property. It is outlined in yellow. There is a public notice sign on the property as of now. (property is on Wilkinson Lane East of Walmart and South of Woodall)
This property is zoned C-2. It is a commercial property. These are all of the businesses that the property is zoned for.
The applicant on this zoning change is requesting that they receive a special exception to build storage units. Storage units are an acceptable use of the property under the special exception rule.
Tuesday night your board of zoning appeals will be meeting to discuss a change in zoning to allow A Plus Storage build a mini storage warehouse on the property in front of Robert F. Woodall Elementary school. The meeting will be held at city hall at 7 pm. This is a public hearing and you will be able to speak.
Opinion Section-
The property is already zoned commercial. It could be used for almost anything. Personally I think that storage units in the middle of town next to a school and a shopping area looks tacky. Given the traffic in the area for the elementary school, it seems to me that the school district should look at that property to be used for either portables, because they will be needed, or a parking area for the parents. The airport has a cell phone lot, the school could use the same. There are already complaints about the backup on 76 after school, and there are still 3900 units left to be built out of the 5000+ approved. A traffic line like you were waiting at Disney is a better use of the property. How about a daycare or an after school program? Both of those businesses are approved use for that property. I cannot dictate to a private owner what to do with their property, and I would never dream of doing so. However, the city has a responsibility to the citizens that live in this town to keep the town classy and in line with what the citizens want. Is this what you want? Storage units in front of your kindergarten? This is one meeting I will not be able to attend. Here is the link for the city’s page and who is on the committee. If you have children at that school and do not want to look at a storage facility, may I suggest you call the board members, email the city, drop off a letter, or attend the meeting. (sorry this is out late, I was sick this weekend)
I like your ideas to better serve the school, Nikki.
I agree that storage units are popping up everywhere, keep them to the outskirts of town.