Good Monday morning to you all. This week has me double booked. I’ll be honest, I’m not very excited about it. The Robertson County planning board is meeting the same night as the White House Board of Mayor and Aldermen. You are in good hands in White House. I have looked through the agenda, you can find it here, and nothing jumps out at me as any kind of surprise. They will video the meeting, but it will not be uploaded until Monday. Sometime Monday, I will watch the meeting and write it up for you.
Robertson County planning has a bigger issue that is coming before them on Thursday. Another developer is coming in front of the board for yet another subdivision on Horseshoe/Calista Road.
They are asking for 46 of the 51 acres to be rezoned to R-30. That means 30k square foot lots. As they are not asking for an SRPUD or a PUD, the plan for the property does not need to be submitted with the request. The questions we have are of course traffic, schools, and septic. Will each of these have their own septic system or will it be shared like the last proposal?
This week I will be attending the county planning meeting, I suggest if you live in Robertson County, you do too.
Go get ‘em! I was sent a photo of Horseshoe Road, to say it’s rural is a gross understatement. Are they going to redo the entire road to accommodate that traffic I wonder?