Tuesday November 8th was a loud vote from the people of White House. The citizens here overwhelmingly voted for transparency in their city government. They voted on facts and issues instead of personality and friendships. As I sat at the poles and talked with people, I heard the same thing over and over again……traffic and schools. Where are these kids going to go to school? It takes me forever to get to (fill in the blank).
Change is coming to White House in January. What we all need to remember is that what was done, is done. What does that mean? This website will tell you what you need to know about current affairs in the city. Only 1200 of the 5100 approved have been built. The apartments behind Kroger have been started. The city center just got going. Jackson Farms is moving dirt, and Lennar has close to a dozen houses framed on Tyree Springs. (we need to watch those for a traffic light). Sage Road is all torn up. Lennar will be back to discuss Burrus Ridge and their “by right” zoning.
To say that we will go through some growing pains, is putting it mildly. The roads are going to get busier. The construction could be unending for years. The freeway is still torn up. The industrial building on Union will begin. There isn’t a new school in the works on the Robertson County side. Things are going to get uglier here in town. (kind of depressing, I know)
Here is the positive, I’m not going away. (maybe positive for a few of you, not so much for others). On Monday there is a planning meeting, I will be there. I will continue to write and cover these meetings. John Corbitt, Sam Matthews, and Jana Spicer come in in January, but scrutiny doesn’t stop because I like what they ran on. That’s how this is supposed to work. Meetings will continue to get covered, but you need to continue to pay attention. Just because you may like the people you elected, does not give you the go ahead to go back to sleep. You have been given a republic, if you can keep it. Stay awake and fight for it.
We will continue to push for transparency. You already voted for the man that promised to have meetings recorded, hold him to it. Start asking for the number of emails that aldermen receive concerning an issue. If you are going to call an alderman, send them an email also so there is record of your issue. Push for city email addresses. Push for records of what your fellow citizens have been saying about an issue. I’ve spoken to many people that will tell you how many showed up and spoke against The Parks in 2017. Guess what, there is no record of it. Not addressed in the minutes, and there is no recording. How many emails did they receive? No idea. If you live in the city limits, this is not the time to go back to darkness. Stay awake and continue to pay attention. This is your city. Voting was a good start, stay involved.
What is the next step? The county and the state need to be more aware of our issues in White House. Is Sabi Kumar fighting for 76 to be widened? I don’t know, he needs to be inundated with emails and calls. Do you know who your district commissioner is? Find out. Is your road a state road or a county road? Find out. The squeaky wheel and all, right?
At the end of the day, I am one person. I am literally nobody. I am a stay at home mom that walked her neighborhood in the July heat trying to tell my neighbors about a subdivision being planned. One woman with a computer, a printer, the internet, and a desire to keep my community safe for my children. I made a difference. You did too. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t.
If you appreciate my work, send me a cup of coffee through Venmo @Nicole-Taylor-262