All members of the board were present. There were two items removed from the agenda that had to be approved. Agenda and minutes from last month were approved. Item #1 was a formality. It should have been on the agenda last month. Public works has been to The Parks, and all items are complete. Bond has been reduced to zero. Approved.
(Public Hearing) Item # 2 Bill Norfleet: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to de-annex 5.4 acres. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 077, Portions of Parcel 100.00, 100.02, and 100.03. Property is zoned R-20, Low Density Residential and is located at North Palmers Chapel Road. Owner: Andrew Finney This is a request for de-annexation. Bill Norfleet’s daughter and son in law are looking to build one home on a five acre lot. In the permitting process, they found that part of this property is in the city limits.
The shaded portion of the property drawing on the right is where they would like to put the septic. Directly west of the septic is where they would like to build the home. They want to be out of city so that they can have septic vs sewer. Only a portion of the property is actually in the city limits. The portion in city limits is in the circle on the left photo. Ceagus Clark stated that the county planner would then need to rezone this property as well. Hutson asked if there was deed restriction. (no) Herman asked if the access was still in the city, because if so there would be driveway stipulations. Mike Honeycutt advised to just take the entire property out of the city limits. They are only building one home. His advice was to de-annex to the road. The question arose as to whether or not the current owner was on board. Norfleet responded with the fact that there is paperwork in the packet signed by the owner. Approved de-annexation of entire portion previously in city limits.
Item # 3 Village at White House/Lose Design: Request Final Plat Approval for 20 single-family houses. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 095, Parcel 117.01 consisting of 15.77 acres. Property is zoned R-15, Medium Density Residential and is located at the southwest corner of Pinson Lane and Pleasant Grove Road. Owner: Bulldog Trust Removed
Item # 4 Willow Grove Subdivision-Phase 1, Revision1/Ragan Smith: Request Final Plat Revision Approval to dedicate right-of-way along Ballard Drive and to revise the easements along dedicated right-ofway. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96, Portion of Parcel 53. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Ballard Drive.Owner: Lennar Homes
Item # 5 Willow Grove Subdivision/Ragan-Smith: Requests Final Master Development Plan Amendment Approval 89 single-family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96, Parcel 11.01 & 53.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at intersection of Tyree Springs Rd and South Palmers Chapel Rd. Owner: Lennar Homes Items 4 & 5 were discussed as one item. There has been a change in the right of way and any change needs to come before the planning board. The northbound turn lane that was requested requires revisions.
This is the Lennar development directly across from S. Palmers Chapel. Willow Grove has collaborated with Dorris Farms for the traffic light. Lennar paid all of their impact offset fees up front, $110k to Safe Harbor (Dorris Farms) for the traffic light at S. Palmers Chapel. Safe Harbor is baring most of the infrastructure burden. Safe Harbor is responsible for the traffic light, and sidewalks to the high school. The light has taken longer than expected. Lennar did not get TDOT approval before they put in their entrance. It had to be moved, which landed them on top of a water line which then had to be moved. Lennar, Willow Grove, still has not connected to the sewer, and Safe Harbor is not moving forward until the light is in. There was much confusion about these two subdivisions and certificate of occupancy. Several board members thought that neither subdivision could get COO until the light was in. That is incorrect. Lennar, Willow Grove, will be able to sell homes as soon as they are complete since they paid their portion of the light. Safe Harbor, Dorris Farms, will not get a single COO until the light is complete. City engineer Reynolds said that these were all submitted together. Each traffic study showed that they would have shared requirements. City administrator Herman said that the traffic study did not require a light, but the city forced the issue. Dolly Peay asked what happens if Safe Harbor just decides to sit on the property before the light is in? Clark stated that the property would revert to R-20 after 2 years. (The point of the question was really what if they decide not to build, and Lennar adds those 89 home without a light?) Approved changes to the entrance and final master plan.
Item # 6 Smyrna Ready Mix: Request Site Plan Approval for construction of a concrete plant. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 30.00. Property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial and is located at 130 Center Drive. Owner:
Hollingshead Materials, LLC This property is already zoned I-2. There are questions of air quality on this site. TDEC will need to approve this facility. They have met all of the requirements and this is a “By Right” property. Adam McCormick asked about traffic concerns. Reynolds stated that they didn’t deem it necessary for a traffic study. The timing on the signal may need to change and the heavy loads on the road will have impact. Approved
Item # 7 Springbrook Reserve Subdivision/Dewey Engineering: Requests Final Master Development Plan Amendment Approval for 82 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96 Portion of Parcel 18.02 and Portion of Parcel 1.01. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Springbrook Blvd. Owner: LGI Homes-Tenn, LLC
Item # 8 Springbrook Reserve Subdivision-Phase 3: Request Final Plat Approval for 43 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96, Portion of Parcel 18.02 and Portion of Parcel 1.01. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Springbrook Blvd. Owner: LGI Homes-Tenn, LLC
Item # 9 Springbrook Reserve Subdivision-Phase 4: Request Final Plat Approval for 39 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96, Portion of Parcel 18.02 and Portion of Parcel 1.01. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Springbrook Blvd. Owner: LGI Homes-Tenn, LLC All three items discussed together. They are simply adding parking and a mailbox kiosk. This subdivision has been on the books since 1989. Approved.
Item # 10 Pleasant Grove Road Parking Addition/Klober Engineering: Request parking lot addition. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 25.00, and is located at 3135 Pleasant Grove Road. Property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. Owner: Wilson Family
This company is expanding their parking lot. There were more sites being added than Clark could approve without the board. They are going to start assembling tiny houses on site. Approved.
Item # 11 Dorris Farm at Willow Springs/Dewey Engineering: Requests Minor Final Master Development Plan Amendment. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 96, Portion of Parcel 9.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Tyree Springs Road. Owner: Farmstead Dev., LLC. Removed
Item # 12 Dorris Farm at Willow Springs-Phase 2, Section 1A: Requests Final Plat Approval for 25 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 096, Portion of Parcel 9.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Tyree Springs Road. Owner: Farmstead Dev., LLC
Item # 13 Dorris Farm at Willow Springs-Phase 2, Section 1B: Requests Final Plat Approval for 31 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 096, Portion of Parcel 9.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Tyree Springs Road. Owner: Farmstead Dev., LLC
Item # 14 Dorris Farm at Willow Springs-Phase 2, Section 2: Requests Final Plat Approval for 61 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 096, Portion of Parcel 9.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Tyree Springs Road. Owner: Farmstead Dev., LLC These items were discussed as one. Dorris Farms will need a turn lane, traffic light, and sidewalks. This is consistent with their master plan. Approved
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Thanks Nikki
Thanks Nikki!