This meeting was called to order at 7 pm on Monday December 12th, 2022. After the pledge, changes were made to the agenda. Items #7 and #12 were removed. Reason for removal will be addressed in this article as each item is presented. Agenda for the month and minutes for last month were approved. (The agenda on the city’s page is NOT the same as the agenda handed out at the meeting)
The first six items on the agenda were all consent items. All six were approved without discussion.
(Public Hearing)Item # 7 Staff: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to approve the right-of-way dedication for Harpers Way. This was removed from the agenda. It turns out it had already been approved through planning and BOMA.
(Public Hearing)Item # 8 Staff: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to approve street acceptance for Cambria-Phase 3A. The improvements needed have been finished. The two lots at the end and the road have been inspected by the public works department and all has been deemed acceptable. No one spoke. Approved
(Public Hearing)Item # 9 Staff: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to approve the amended City Zoning Map. Each year the city’s zoning map needs to be updated and approved. There were only a couple of changes from last year. The changes need to include the new annexations and zoning changes. No one spoke. Approved
(Public Hearing)Item # 10 Kimber Dills: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to rezone 1.23 acres from R-20, Low Density Residential to C-2, General Commercial. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 201.00 and is located at 2811 Highway 31W. Owner: Kimberly Dills The home owner has asked for this property to be rezoned commercial prior to the sale of the property. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen have discussed that the city is running out of commercial space. This property is just north of Sage Road on the west side of 31W. There are already commercial properties all around this one. No one spoke) Approved
Item # 11 Staff: Requests Site Plan Approval for parking lot expansion for the city soccer complex. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 097, Parcel 005.00. Property is zoned R-20, Low Density Residential and is located at 2760 Highway 31W South. The parking lot at the soccer complex is funded by a grant, but requires planning board approval for completion of the grant. The parking lot project was designed with the Americana celebration in mind. There will be space for busses and soccer tournaments. The grant is a 50/50 matching grant that has been increased by $125k for inflation. The project will be a total of $1.25 mil. TDOT has not been consulted about a turning lane on 31 in front of the complex. Approved
Item # 10 White House Business Park/CESO: Requests Site Plan Approval for an approximately 243,000 square foot distribution warehouse. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 187.01. Property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial and is located southeast of 510 Hester Drive with public frontage on Sage Road. Owner: AI Neyer c/o Kelly Hiett Item was removed at the beginning of the meeting without reason.
Meeting was adjourned.
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Coffee is always appreciated. @Nicole-Taylor-262 (Venmo)
Thank you Nikki. Prior commitment kept me from attending.