The only board member missing last night was Alderman Linda Silver. There was a change to the agenda, but the technology in the building was not functioning. Ceagus Clark, city planning director, had wanted to show the board some changes to Jackson Farms, Summerlin, and Dorris Farms. Each development has made some changes to their elevations and will be bringing those plans before the board. The agenda was approved as were the minutes from last month’s agenda. There was no one signed up for public comment.
As it stands with bond extensions, the city will extend the bond until the subdivision is finished and accepted into the city. All bond extension are now subject to 15% inflation increase. Approved.
Item # 3 Norfleet Commercial Building/Klober Engineering: Request Site Plan approval for a 3,582 sq ft retail building. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 97E, Parcel 19. Property is zoned C-2, General Commercial and is located at 2502 Highway 31W. Owner: William J. Bradley Applicant/Developer: Bill Norfleet
This commercial building will include three tenants and the property covers half of the SuperStop. Norfleet spoke to this item and was asked about his completed property on 31W by Tractor Supply. He stated that he had 22 vape shops apply for his space and he turned them all down. Doreen Brown asked about the lighting on the back or sides of this new project. Norfleet answered that he didn’t want lighting behind the building as he did not want to disturb the residences back there any more than necessary. Jennifer Collado asked about trash and the dumpster behind the building. Will all tenants be sharing? Norfleet stated that no trash will be piled up behind his property, and currently the tenants in his new property make very little trash. Dolly Peay asked about the property records. Norfleet said that yes, he owns part of the SuperStop. The lot next to it had been on the market for a while. Goodall sold it to Bradley, and Norfleet just bought it from Bradley. The lot is larger than it appears. Daniel Whited asked about the shared driveway. Norfleet stated that there would be a speed hump places where he didn’t want access. (I do not have the plans the board does, so I am unsure as to what they were discussing) Collado asked what the backside of the property was going to look like. Norfleet said that his property will be brick and hardy board on the back just like the front. The back of the building will be just as appealing as the front. Peay asked about drainage issues. The property is dead level and very little will be required. All water will drain to the street. Brown asked about the landscaping. The tree listed are they planting size or mature size? Clark answered that Norfleet isn’t required to place a buffer on this one, and the plants listed are the size at the time of planting. Approved
Item # 4 Drew Christenson Development/GreenLid: Requests dedication right-of-way, create open space for 14 single family lots. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 77G, Group G, Parcel 6.00. Property is zoned C-6, Town Center District and is located at 202 Portland Road. Owner: Drew Christenson
Clark spoke to this. This project was already approved in 2022 for 13 units, four quads. Sewer issues came in and the easement needed to change. This did not require a traffic study as 75 units are the trigger for a traffic study. TDOT will have to approve driveways or streets because these are on Hwy 76. Collado brought up traffic congestion over there with The Patio and Tyree Springs, and the flooding at the apartments behind it, and will there be issues with EMS and traffic. Has it been discussed as to how to mitigate the water and traffic? Clark answered that TDEC is looking at the water issues, they are in White House all the time, and TDOT will be responsible for the traffic. Collado asked if a flashing light could be added. Clark said that it would have to be the state. Collado asked if there could be a temporary four way. Clark stated that it could not be done. Jason Reynolds, city engineer, spoke that this is done. This cannot be changed. It was approved in 2022. The time to discuss these things was in 2022, this board doesn’t have the ability to change anything now. The engineer for this project stated that there is a retention pond on the back of the property for storm water. Brown asked if there was a utility pole on the property. The engineer answered that it needs to be moved. Approved.
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