All members of the board were present. The first five items were consent agenda items. Ceagus Clark of planning stated that the city looks at these bonds and is accepting complete work. He feels really good about the process and is happy with his department and public works. All bonds are subject to the 15% increase. A link to the staff notes with all bond information in it can be found here.
(Public Hearing) Item # 6 Hubert Dale Broadrick: Request Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to annex 7.32 acres. Request is further made to rezone the 7.32 acres from AG-2, Agricultural to C-2, General Commercial. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 011.00 and is located at 7769 Highway 76 E. Owner: Hubert Dale Broadrick
Steve (Berts)? was there as a proxy for Mr. Broadrick as he was out of town. Steve stated that the other properties Broadrick owns were zoned C-2 years ago. This 7 acre property came available and he bought it. He has no immediate plans for the property. City Administrator Herman added that the other properties were annexed and rezoned several years ago. He added this piece for more frontage along 76. He’s already torn the barn down and is cleaning up the property. Broadrick wants to see this commercial as he believes it’s better for White House than residential. Mayor Corbitt added that commercial is good, but he has concerns about Hwy 76 and when it will be widened. He added that he is not a fan of creating a problem and waiting on TDOT to fix it. He’s not opposed to commercial, it’s just a mess out there. Questions were raised about city limits and the roads. The property in red in the photo above is already C-2 and in the city. The question was asked if he could currently put say a Dollar General there. Daniel Whited asked if that part of 76 will be in the study session on Thursday. Herman answered that 76 west of Pleasant Grove is NOT in the study session. Corbitt added that it’s a state road. Dolly Peay asked for clarification on the request. Clark answered that he is requesting annexation and then rezone for the 7 acres. If it is just annexed, it will come in as R-20. Herman added that there is no sewer out there currently. The city sewer ends at Dee Cee Road. It would need to be extended. It would be easier to extend than to cross the street from the high school. Road improvements would be necessary as well. Linda Silver asked if there was sewer out to that property now. Jason Reynolds, city engineer, answered that it stopped at Pleasant Grove Road. Jennifer Collado has concerns about the current zoning. 76 is already an issue for students and there needs to be insight before we add to 76. Herman stated that all projects would have to be approved at planning and BOMA and would require all studies. The current property that Broadrick owns is about 30 acres. Collado added that across from Greenbrier HS is a Dollar General and the foot traffic from the HS is a safety issue. Herman said that as it stands, he could already put a gas station or a store on the 30 acres. Collado asked if he could sell all three properties as one and would that be an issue for the school. Peay added that this 7 acres won’t really impact what is there. Broadrick’s representative stated that he is aware of the issues with the roads and sewers and has no immediate plans or timeline for the properties. The current 30 acres have been zoned C-2 since 2010. Peay added that 7.2 acres is nothing and commercial has less impact than residential. Collado reiterated that the issue is with the school across the street. Herman added that once he gets C-2, he can’t just revert the properties back to residential without board approval. This is the best use of the zoning across from the school. Corbitt added that BOMA has the ability to request crosswalks, traffic signals, and other improvements from any developer. Herman said that is what was done with the Love’s. Love’s had by right zoning and the city required lane additions and traffic upgrades. Silver added that the rezone just makes sense. Peay added that it is better than residential. Whited asked if this is all approved as commercial and someone buys it, the new owner would have to go back through the same process to get it rezoned residential. Correct. Herman then informed the board that Hwy 76 did not make the state’s ten year plan, and improvements would need to be made as projects came in to the city. Corbitt then stated that any new commercial project would be responsible for improvements. Herman said the current BOMA would not allow a rezone to residential. The current BOMA only approved 30 new homes in a full year. Clark added that the Kelly dairy called and voiced their concerns about flooding of his property since it is adjacent to the 7 acres under request. Approved
Item # 7 McInerney Industrial Site: Request site plan approval for a 20,000 sq. ft. industrial building. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 184.02. Property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial and is located at 2879 Union Road.
Clark started by informing the board that he has been working with McInerney since November. They are moving their business to White House. The owner of the company was there and stated that they put glass into small office buildings and hotels. They helped with the remodel of LSU, 18 buildings, six or seven buildings at Alabama and a few at UT. They do lots of work in Nashville and many of his employees live in White House. He has about 20 employees and not all of them will come into the office. Most of his employees work on site installing commercial window glass. Because of the limited number of vehicles in and out of this business, no traffic study was warranted. They are ready for permits to be pulled in the next couple of months. The building will be warehouse/manufacturing/office space. Some items will be manufactured at the facility. They will use this building to organize the materials and take them to job sites. They are currently in Nashville but will be selling that facility in order to build this new one. They are currently on half an acre. This is five acres and their building and parking lot will take up approximately 2.5 of that. Approved.
#8 Legacy Farms-Phase 3/Wilson Engineers: Request final plat approval for 103 single family lots. Property is referenced as Robertson County tax map 95, parcel 141. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at Pinson Road. Clark informed the board that there were no changes made to this phase. Approved.
#9 The Parks-Phase 3B/Heritage Development: Request recommendation to the board of mayor and aldermen to accept The Parks Subdivision-Phase 3B. Clark stated the the city recently accepted 3A. All have been looked at and are ready for the maintenance phase. Approved
#10 Staff: Discussion regarding commercial use on an existing commercial lot. This is in regards to the machine shop on N. Palmers Chapel. It has been in the city since before the city was in existence. It has been re subdivided and the owners are being taxed at a commercial rate. They are looking at a zoning change. There is an option to do a commercial PUD limited. Clark told the owners to get a project manager to come up with a plan for the owners. Currently the city does not have any PUD light zoning, but the ordinance is laid out so that it is available. They want to do something with the building that is there now, but are unsure as to what that will be. Clark just wanted the board to be aware that this will be coming in front of the board.
Meeting ajourned
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