Daniel Whited has taken over as chairman of the planning commission. Doreen Brown has been appointed in his place after Addam McCormick stepped down as chairman. The meeting was called to order. There were roughly 10 people in attendance, however three of them were there representing the church, and two were representing developers. One change was made to the agenda. Item number 11 was removed. This project is already approved but the builder wanted to build 11 instead of 20 homes. They were not able to change the plan in order to make the 11 work, they will stick with the original plan for now.
#1-#4 are all bond extensions. The bonds automatically renew with the 15% added for inflation if the developer does not request a reduction. Highland Park has completed much of the development and done what the city requested. The city has looked at this and the bond was reduced by 25%. 1-5 Approved
Public Hearing-Item # 6 White House Medical Building/Kimley Horn: Requests Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to rezone 3.8 acres from R-20, Low Density Residential to C-4, Office Professional. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 106, Parcel 104.00 and is located at Sage Road. Owner: Tri-County Baptist Church No one was there to speak.
This is not an ER. The ER has not yet officially brought plans to planning director Clark. This is an oncology clinic. The Church at Grace Park is asking for a rezone in order to subdivide this land. The property is in the mixed use area of the comprehensive plan. There is no plan currently as the church is looking for a rezone before official plans are submitted. A drawing was included in the planning commission packet, but that is not an official plan. Approved
Public Hearing Item # 7 Berean Baptist Church: Request Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to annex 5.82 acres. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 096, Parcel 088.00 and is located at 268 Marlin Road No one signed up to speak
Berean Baptist Church is looking to be annexed into the city so they can utilize the city sewer system. The street is in the city limits as is the property across the street. One of the board members asked if this could be houses if the church decided to sell. Clark answered that this is only 5.82 acres, and it’s already zoned R-20 so it could be houses, but very few. The pastor wants to expand the church, but the septic doesn’t allow for that. They have had a septic company inspect and advise on the property. The sewer is in the street and the church would pay for the services to connect to the sewer. Their expansion is only 100-200 square feet. Mayor Corbitt asked if it’s normal for a church to be zoned R-20. Clark said that churches can be R-20 and often are. They don’t need special exceptions. Corbitt asked if they should be changed to C-2. Clark said that would be spot zoning and not necessary. This property would only be able to accommodate 5-7 houses if the church decided to sell the property. It could not be a PUD. Collado asked what the current tank could accommodate. The Pastor answered that the capacity of the tank is 100-150 people. The tank isn’t the issue, it’s the drain field. Where the tank is located will not allow for drain field expansion. The tank could be upgraded, but the drain field cannot. Approved
Public Hearing Item # 8 Staff: Request Recommendation to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to abandon the Cardinal Drive right-of-way property to revert ownership to the Johnsons No one signed up to speak
City attorney Webb spoke to this. The city got a right of way on their property back in the 60’s. At this point it’s not being used by the city and the Johnsons would like it back. Nothing was built behind it. The Johnsons also have property on Pleasant Grove Road where the light will be going in. In the negotiations for that property they have asked that the city abandon this right of way. Approved
Item # 9 Seventh Day Adventist Church/Dewey Engineering: Request Site Plan approval for a 10,500 sq ft multi-purpose building. Property is referenced as Sumner County Tax Map 77B, Group A, Parcel 6.00. Property is zoned R-20, Low Density Residential and is located at 105 Eastside Drive. Owner: KY-TN Conference Association
The church is working with a developer on this project. Part of their property is zoned C-1, that’s on the 31W side. The city requested that back when the sale on the property was pending. They got BZA approval for R-20 for the church. There is access on the east side of the property. Commissioner Peay asked about sloping and drainage and ponds given the water issues in the city. This plan is not the construction plan. The construction plan will really dig into the storm water and will need final approval. They do have a trench planned to catch water and a pond as part of flood control. Whited mentioned that there maintenance requirements for the developer on the plan. City Engineer Reynolds stated that the developer is responsible for having the property inspected after a rainfall during the construction of the project. This is a TDEC requirement. Peay asked where the reports go. They are kept on the property for the city or the state to look at. Peay asked how do we know the reports are accurate. Reynolds said the city can look at these and the inspectors can lose their jobs if they are covering for developers. Commissioner Brown asked if the trench will stay after construction. Yes. The final plan sheet will include the construction plans and will show what stays in the way of grading and drainage. Peay added that the zoning is there for this. Brown noted that the parking lot will hold one car per three people. Will it allow for expansion of the parking lot? Is this the best location for the parking lot? Reynolds answered that he wasn’t sure if it was the best place, but they would need to come back to the board for an expansion. Clark added that they can’t just expand the parking lot without coming back to the board and going back through this same process. Approved.
Item # 10 Primm Springs Subdivision-Phase 1 (Formerly Calista Farms/B2L Land Surveyors: Request Final Plat Approval for 85 single family lots. Property is referenced as Robertson County Tax Map 096, Parcels 032.00 and 033.00. Property is zoned SRPUD, Suburban Residential Planned Unit Development and is located at 3339 Calista Road. Owner: Stage Coach Calista Developers, LLC
This is the final plat approval for phase one of Calista Farms which is now Primm Springs. There are minor changes to the plan. Brown asked about the property lines and how these easements can be 5ft from the property line. She wanted to know if that was correct. Clark stated that this is an SRPUD, so that is correct. She then asked if 85 houses was the total for the development. No, 85 is just the first phase. There are over 300 homes in this subdivision. Collado asked if it could be reduced. Once a development is approved, the city cannot ask for a reduction. Approved.
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This might sound snarky but it is not intended to be that way, BUT, I sure hope they plan on adding to the police force in numbers. Aggressive driving is becoming a big problem, and we have hardly any representation during peak times and non peak on the Sumner side. In fact I don’t see a lot over on Robertson either when I come through. Robertson is different, you can sit a police car on 76 and it will generally be seen by many. Sumner is limited but the speeds are much faster and they are brazen in their behavior, last night literally three feet off of our back bumper once we hit the 35 mph on Tyree Springs. It’s difficult even making a right on to our road without running the risk of being hit. You can’t keep adding head counts and not increase protection at the same time. I know they’ve added, but it’s not coming quick enough in my opinion. Something I guess I’ll have to voice at a meeting.
Excellent reporting as usual. I remember when Corbitt was running for mayor he said something like 5,000 homes are already on the books approved, but only 1,800 have been started. I guess we're seeing the other 3,200 starting to move. I sure hope the additional tax revenue covers the necessary infrastructure improvements!