Here are the districts in Robertson County for the school board. This is the current list of school board members.
In the primary, you will have a choice between Jeff White and John Morris for district 3. This is for those that live in the Greenbrier and south of White House to Bethel Road. If you vote at the Greenbrier schools, these are your choices in the Republican primary. A forum was held last weekend by the Robertson County Republicans, and many of the candidates attended. There were several questions that I wanted to see answered, so I sent the questions to each candidate and will be bringing you their responses.
1. Explain your understanding of the role of the school board. This goes straight to our mission and vision statements. We are to ensure each student is prepared to succeed in life. We do this by overseeing and voting the budget presented to us, selecting a director of schools and approving policies.
2. How do you believe the school board could be more transparent? Everything we discuss in a meeting is on an agenda that is usually prepared a week before the meeting but no less than 48 hours before the meeting. Citizens come to me about issues, and I try to take care of them by contacting the Director. All meetings are open and posted to the public.
3. What is your view on public comment? We follow the recommendations of the Tennessee Open Meetings Act. The following is on our website.
4. In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue facing Robertson County Schools? We have several pressing issues. Here are two: Improving scores. We are already addressing this issue. We have brought in a new director with a proven track record. Keeping our teachers and helping our children learn. We have addressed teacher retention by increasing pay maintaining excellent benefits. Dr Weeks has a New Plan he is putting in place to help increase scores. Facilities. We have several remodels and facility needs immediately across the district.
5. What makes you the best choice for the position? I have experience and knowledge of the area I am representing. My entire family, including now my grandchildren, went to the schools in this cluster, and I know the struggles that each facility has. I know my community and my community knows me. Working in this county for most of my life in law enforcement has been a blessing to me. I have dedicated my life to the people who live here. I am an elder in my church and enjoy serving those church members and community. I have coached football, softball and baseball, umpired games and cheered almost every child who played sports for a good part of my life here. My motto with children goes to Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Now those children who I have been able to try to help have grown up and have families of their own. I will work for every child in this community and the county. I am dedicated to doing what is best for children and as my record speaks, I am not here for one term to vote something in and done. I have unfinished business that starts with scores and facilities. I would like to see those through.
My opponent seems to be a good person. He served our great nation in the army and I thank him for his service. He does not know much about our schools and his child does not go to a public school. Â
6. In 3-4 sentences sum up why you are running for this seat. If you vote for me, you will cast a vote for a man who has and will continue to put your child first in all things. I will continue to lead the charge for safer schools and will continue supporting our teachers, staff and bus drivers in this county. I want to lead us through the tough decisions on facilities that we are facing now. I want to work with our new leadership as we are guided to success in the classroom.
These will continue to written until the questions are answered by all candidates that responded. Early voting starts February 13th, the primary is March 5th.