Full disclosure, I was unable to attend this meeting as well, but a fellow citizen was able to record it for me. The meeting had very few in attendance, and the first seven items were handled and approved quickly. Number eight found no one signed up to speak.
#9- Mr. Herman, city administrator, gave an update. The old building will be brought down soon. The construction company has been scrapping what they can and the asbestos has been removed. The fire and police departments can no longer use the building for training. The water line for the new building will be run soon.
The new tennis courts are going up faster than expected. Concrete will be poured in the early morning hours of Tuesday and possibly Wednesday this week. Residents have already been notified. There is a luncheon on Tuesday that the chamber is putting on. Herman has a presentation prepared for the luncheon. About 100 people are registered. Corbitt asked about the Sage Road intersection project. That project has been sitting since March. Herman met with the bonding company’s consultant. The city is getting a packet ready for bids. The bonding company might take that over. The city’s works department has been filling in holes and they have hired another company to run water to the church.
#10- Reports were acknowledged.
#11- a)Resolution 22-09: A resolution approving certain amendments and revisions to the personnel manual. HR spoke to this resolution. They are changing the policy of drug testing. (page 68 here)Paid suspension does not exist in White House, so the wording needs to be altered. Also, demotions were added to the handbook. A change for overtime to police had to be added as well. A pay code was necessary for the grant money that is used to pay overtime. The last change was for emergency leave. Employees are paid for snow days etc. That leave now needs to be used in three months. Passed
b. Resolution 22-10: A resolution approving participation in the James L. Richardson "Driver Safety" Matching Grant Program. The city receives grand money for the software that they use for safety training such as drugs and driving. Passed
c. Resolution 22-11: A resolution establishing a schedule of fees for the rental of the Donald L. Eden Community Room. People have been asking about using the room in the new city hall. The Donald L. Eden room has been given to the parks department to oversee. They have set a fee schedule for using the room. Decker asked if this room could be used for birthday parties. Parks director says yes. Passed
d. Resolution 22-12: A resolution to delegate to the Robertson County Emergency Communications E-911 District the authority to number streets within the municipal jurisdiction of White House, Tennessee This is to allow the city to renumber houses working with 911 and the counties. Passed
12. Consideration of the Following Ordinances: a. Ordinance 22-13: An ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section 5.053.2, C-2 General Commercial. Second Reading This has been addressed before. They are moving animal care from commercial zoning (C2) to light industrial (I1) because of noise issues. Corbitt asked about the wording of the zoning.
#22 will be changed to read boarding not veterinary. Vet clinics will still be allowed in C2, but animal boarding is what is being moved to I1. Passed
13. Purchasing: a. To approve or reject to the Memorandum of Understanding with Robertson Count to purchase Motorola Emergency Communications Equipment in the amount of $319,561.23. The Fire and Police Chiefs recommend approval. Chief Brady spoke to this. There are new towers being put in for 911. These towers will require new radios. The American Recovery Funds are paying for the towers. Robertson County is kicking in $6 million for these towers. The city only needs to pay for the radios. All of the cities in Robertson County are on board with the new system. White House will need to distribute the funds to the county, and they will be responsible for the ordering of the radios. Passed
This is what the last items looked like in the agenda online.
This is what it looks like at the meeting.
Item a was deferred at the beginning. The contract has not yet been drawn up to receive an intern from the University of TN. Once that contract is available, this item will be returned to the agenda.
#14 b) Christoper Robb has be appointed to the board of Construction Appeals. Passed
Total meeting was 25 minutes.
If you find my reporting useful, send me a cup of coffee through Venmo @Nicole-Taylor-262