The meeting was called to order and the prayer was led by the Fire Department’s chaplain. After the adoption of the minutes and the agenda, a proclamation was made.
Hayden Padgett, White House Heritage High School class of 2023 was recognized for breaking three of the school’s records. Padgett broke the 3200m (2 mile) with a time of 10:28, the 800m with a time of 2:09, and the 5k record with a time of 17:13. He placed in the region and in the state in track and cross country. He was awarded a full scholarship to Bethel University where he will start in the fall.
No one was signed up for public comment, agenda item number nine.
10. PublicHearings No one signed up to speak.
a. Ordinance 23-08: An ordinance adopting the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024.
b. Ordinance 23-09: An ordinance to de-annex certain territory within the corporate boundaries of the City of White House located at North Palmers Chapel Road.
c. Ordinance 23-10: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 18, Chapter 3, Sewer Rates, Fees, and Charges, Section 18-301 and 18-302.
d. Ordinance 23-11: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 17, Chapter 1, Refuse, Section 17-113.
11. Communication from Mayor, Aldermen, City Attorney, and City Administrator- Mr. Herman, city administrator had only one update. He was out for surgery. He thanked the board and the community for their thoughts and prayers. He should be returning to work full time before too long.
12. AcknowledgeReports A. GeneralGovernment E. Fire I. Library B. Finance F. PublicServices J. MunicipalCourt C. HumanResources G. Planning & Codes D. Police H. Parks & Recreation Approved
13. Consideration of the FollowingResolutions:
a. Resolution 23-04: A resolution to renew the joint Inter-local Agreement between Sumner and Robertson Counties for exchanging territory and areas of responsibility served by emergency medical services. Robertson and Sumner Counties have an agreement for EMS coverage. Robertson County covers both sides of White House. Sumner County EMS then covers the Robertson side of Portland and Millersville. This is the same plan that was signed in 2017. Approved
b. Resolution 23-05: A resolution amending the schedule of permit and development fees for multiple City departments. Planning director Ceagus Clark requested the the fees be raised for Planning/Codes, Engineering, Fire, and Storm Water Departments. The increase will be 20%. The last time the fees were adjusted was in 2019. Alderman Matthews noted that a couple of the fees appeared to be more than 20%. Clark stated that he had simply rounded from $65 to $70 in a case and he can go back and adjust that to be exactly 20%. Approved
c. Resolution 23-06: A resolution amending the schedule of fees for Hillcrest Municipal Cemetery. The city has been losing money on the cemetery fees. The city is being charged $250 for engraving, but only charging citizens $150. The city charges $750 for the plot. That charge used to include “internment.” (internment is the burying of ashes) One city plot for $750 houses two cremations. Public works requested that the plot charge of $750 stay the same, but a $150 charge for each internment be added. Approved
d. Resolution 23-07: A resolution amending the Parks and Recreation schedule of fees for tournaments and establishing open space rental fees for the Michael L. Arnold Municipal Park. In May, the leisure board met and discussed raising the fees in the park for tournaments and usage. The city has been asked several times for use of the “open space,” for events such as classes. The city did not have a fee for the use of open space. They came up with a fee schedule that will cover staff and clean up. Approved.
*I asked the public works director if he knew what the open space was. The parks director left before I could inquire. I will follow up on Monday.*
e. Resolution 23-08: A resolution authorizing appropriations for financial aid of non-profit organizations This is the resolution that covers the non-profits that ask the city for money every year. This covers all of their normal giving. The amounts are the same, the only change is how the amounts are categorized for the American Legion. Approved.
14. Consideration ofthe Following Ordinances: All of these ordinances are second readings and were discussed at length in the May meeting.
a. Ordinance 23-08: An ordinance adopting the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. Second Reading This is the city’s budget that they have been working on since January. Finance director, Jason Barnes, made one addition to the discussion. 2023 is a reassessment year for Robertson County, and next year will be Sumner County. The tax rate for Robertson County is still unknown. The rate will be available later in the summer after the state and the county have worked it out. This should not affect the budget. Projections of income in the budget were based on a projected decrease in the tax rate in Robertson county. Both with have to be readjusted next year. Approved
b. Ordinance 23-09: An ordinance to de-annex certain territory within the corporate boundaries of theCity of White House located at North Palmers Chapel Road. Second Reading. Approved
c. Ordinance 23-10: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 18, Chapter 3, Sewer Rates, Fees,and Charges, Section 18-301 and 18-302. Second Reading Approved
d. Ordinance 23-11: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 17, Chapter 1, Refuse, Section17-113. Second Reading. Please note taht Waste Management purchased GFL. This will not affect your service. However, if you received a request to make an account with them, disregard. The city has the account and pays for the service. Approved.
15. Purchasing:
a. To approve or reject City Administrator Gerald Herman to enter into an agreement with CSR Engineering in the amount of $98,400 for engineering services for the SR76 and Pleasant Grove Road intersection. The City Administrator recommends approval. This is for the contract with CSR. It’s a big project. This is for the turn lanes and traffic light at Pleasant Grove Road and HWY76. This will take care of the engineering side of the project. Herman stated that this is a high priority project. The money that the city saved on the Heritage High School road allowed for this contract to be signed now. Once the engineers work out the right of ways, then construction bids can be solicited. Approved
16. OtherBusiness:
a. Appointment of Ward 4 Alderman Alderman Spicer began the discussion with the fact that there were more applicants and it was a tougher choice this time over the previous when Alderman Silver was selected. Spicer stated that she did not have clear front runner, but Mike Wall and Jennifer Collado were in her top two. Alderman Matthews added that Currie has a unique backgound living here for just over five years, but having had family here for more than 30. He comes from Myrtle Beach and watched the problems that we are facing currently. Matthews added that Mike Wall has put in the time and Matthews has seen him at city meetings for years. He noted that it takes committment as a citizen to be so involved. Alderman Silver said that it is nerve wracking and fun to throw your hat in the ring for this job. There were candidates with lots of experience and some new comers. Silver also stated that she likes Wall as a candidate but Currie is in her top two as well. It would be hard to choose between the two she added. Mayor Corbitt stated that they all had unique experiences. He also added that the position is only for the rest of this term, which is up in 2024. If you don’t get selected, you can run for this position. Spicer motioned to appoint Mike Wall. The motion was seconded and approved. Mike Wall is the new alderman for Ward 4. He will be sworn in in a specially called meeting on June 20th at 6:30pm.