Alderman Linda Silver was not in attendance for this meeting. The agenda was adopted and the minutes from last month were approved. There were two proclamations made at the beginning of the meeting.
The White House 12U Warriors, Jr. Pro Football team was recognized for their state win. Junior from White House Heritage, Greyson Koch, was recognized for his state championship at the TSSAA state golf tournament. (proclamations will be added when I receive them.)
9. Public Comment-Paula M. was signed up to speak in favor of the animal control study. She would like to see the city look into animal control. She had a dog abandoned by her home. Sumner county refused to help. They finally dropped off a trap and left. Paula was stuck trapping the dog and taking it to a rescue. There are dogs running at large in her neighborhood. They run in packs and she has had to intervene at least once with an issue. There is no accountability with the owners. These dogs are getting into fenced areas. The citizens are playing dog catcher and the lost and found pages are always full. Is it the job of the city or the citizens? At this point there is no help from the city or the county.
10. Public Hearings
a. None
11. Communication from Mayor, Aldermen, City Attorney, and City Administrator- Alderman Spicer thanked the department heads for another year of hard work. Alderman Matthews thanked Kevin at the parks department for a great Christmas parade. The turnout was excellent. City Administrator Herman also thanked all involved for the parade. It takes six months to plan, and it was a great day. Traffic on 76 has increase over by Loves. Rogers Group is not in violation of the 8-3 rules regarding one lane of traffic. TDOT is making Speedway redo part of the road by their building. That is almost done. The 8-3 lane closure time frame will add about 20 days to the Pleasant Grove traffic light project. Sage Road widening is almost ready to bid out. The city has agreements with the land on the corner. Davidson Homes gave the land needed to the city. The last piece of property the city needs is held by a group in Chicago. The group is reviewing it now. The city may also be getting that for free. Mayor Corbitt brought crash awareness to the administrator’s office in regards to Wilkinson and Calista Road. There have been three crashes at that intersection since October. One saw injuries and two of the three had serious property damage. While the city had plans to review the intersection with the road widening project, and public services had put in the speed sign, the intersection needs attention. Due to the crashes, stop signs are being ordered and it will become a four way stop. Open House for the new rec center is scheduled for June 30th.
Reports were acknowledged.
13. Consideration of the Following Resolutions:
a. Resolution 24-16: A resolution to establish a Stormwater Enforcement Response Plan. Isaiah Manfredi of Public Works spoke to this. The language of the plan had to be updated for TDEC. (plan can be found here starting on page 62) The plan will be removed from the ordinance and replaced with the updated version. The new plan includes a penalty sheet. Herman asked for it to be in a resolution so that items could be changed as the new plan was implemented.
Corbitt asked if the violators were generally builders, not homeowners, then the fines seemed light. Manfredi stated that the $500 is per penalty and per day, but he is willing to review those. Alderman Wall also stated the fines seemed light. Matthews asked is $500 is the state maximum. Manfredi was unsure on that. Wall added that high penalties would certainly help with the water issues. Spicer asked if this is on top of stop work. The answer to that is yes. Manfredi added that there is a section to manage repeat offenders. Herman then stated that this can get started and be reviewed once there has been follow through and the city sees any income from this. With it being a resolution, that allows for changes at a later date. Approved
14. Consideration of the Following Ordinances:
a. Ordinance 24-19: An ordinance to amend the Fiscal Budget for the period ending June 30, 2025. First Reading. Finance Director Barnes spoke to this. He has a new format for budget amendments. It has been accepted by the comptroller. The issue they ran into was that several projects were not completed in the fiscal year and had to run into the next fiscal year. The rec center and the soccer complex were two such projects.
Spicer asked if all of the money for the rec center has been drawn on the bond. Barnes stated that all money has been drawn, but not all had been spent at the end of the fiscal year in June. The city estimated what would be needed and drew the money. It was supposed to be finished in October, and wasn’t. Currently, the savings account is paying more in interest than they are being charged. Approved.
b. Ordinance 24-20: An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code Title 18 Chapter 4 Stormwater Management Sections 18-409, 18-410, and 18-411. First Reading. This is deleting the information from the ordinance as referenced in the resolution establishing the stormwater enforcement response. Approved
15. Purchasing: a. To approve or reject the purchase of miscellaneous furniture for the Recreation Center from Nashville Office Interiors on the Statewide Contract #28266 in the amount of $147,553.34. The Parks and Recreation Director recommends approval.
This is all of the furniture needed for the rec center. It includes delivery and installation. They will hold the furniture in their warehouse until the center is complete. Most of the furniture has a 10 year warranty. The game tables have a five year warranty. Spicer asked if the gym floor cover was in here somewhere. Kevin Whittaker, parks director, answered that the cover is in another budget line. He also added that this company is a state contract. Approved
b. To approve or reject the purchase of gaming equipment for the Recreation Center from CDW-G on the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative Contract #121923-CDW in the amount of $63,095.31. The Parks and Recreation Director recommends approval This is for the game room and the eSports room. This includes all of the TVs and consoles, but none of the games. They are looking at digital downloads and that will be a different company. Spicer asked how this equipment will be protected. The eSports room will be locked. You will need access from the front desk, and there will be cameras in the room. Spicer asked if a waiver of some sort could be put with the membership agreement. Matthews asked how often items will need to be replaced. Whittaker stated that gaming equipment would need to be on a 3 year cycle, but that would depend on use. The question was posed do other cities have these. These rooms are mostly seen in schools and on college campuses. Matthews asked if they have plans to offer coding classes. Whittaker is hoping to offer some STEM courses and to partner with the library. Matthews added that they had looked at a few universities with these types of rooms, and Whittaker has done a great job with all of this. Wall asked how will the games be monitored for age appropriateness and will there be adult supervision. He added that the city needs something for kids to do. Whitaker added that they haven’t been able to reach the teen demographic and he hopes this will help. Wall did add that don’t most kids have these systems at home. Whittaker said they could play together at the rec center. Matthews asked if there will be time limits. Whittaker said that at this point they will see how it goes. They could add “rental” time frames if needed. Herman added that they will have city attorney Webb draft a waiver. Webb added that instead of restrictions on games, they might want to look at the game choices and not have games that need restrictions. Approved.
16. Other Business:
a. To approve or reject the results of the financial audit completed by KraftCPAs for the year ending June 30, 2024. The Finance Director recommends approval. Approved
b. To approve or reject the 2025-2026 Budget Calendar. Approved
c. To approve or reject the 2025 Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting calendar. Approved
d. To approve or reject subdivision infrastructures and street acceptance for Concord Springs Phase 3. The Planning Director recommends approval. This was supposed to be approved back in October. Their retaining pond failed. Everything is now in compliance and planning director Clark recommends approval. Approved
e. To approve or reject a Certificate of Compliance for J & L Liquors Store located at 322 Hester Drive. The owner of J&L is opening a new liquor store in Lebanon. His father is involved financially with the business. The state wants his father on the certificate in Lebanon and has asked White House to add the father to the city certificate as well. Approved
f. To approve or reject scheduling a Board of Mayor and Aldermen Study Session regarding animal control within the City. Approved
g. To approve or reject schedule a Joint Study Session with the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and Planning Commission regarding land use regulations updates. Approved
Meeting was adjourned.
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Thanks as usual Nikki. I'm proud to say that I know Greyson Koch (pronounced Cook) very well, he's my step-grandson. For those of you who don't know him, he's a nice young man who's worked really hard to get his golf game where it is. Nice to see a good guy succeed!