Linda Silver was absent this meeting. Agenda was adopted without changes. Minutes were approved and visitors welcomed. There were about 10 people in attendance.
9. Public Comment- Jerry Cornett of Volunteer Drive signed up to speak. Volunteer Drive is now connected to Bill Moss through Jackson Farms. People are driving through there and are driving too fast. There are no signs coming from Bill Moss stating the speed limit. He is asking for speed limit signs to be installed. He also thanked public works, specifically Isaiah Manfredi for taking care of the water issue he was having with Jackson Farms.
No one signed up to speak to these ordinances.
11. Communication from Mayor, Aldermen, City Attorney, and City Administrator- Alderman Mike Wall began with stating how important the planning commission is. He attended a meeting this month. He thinks that all board members need to attend a planning meeting on a regular basis. There is information there that the BOMA does not always get. He stated it is something to think about. He also encouraged the board to show up to community events when possible. It’s good for the citizens to know that we are around. He commended City Administrator Herman for his presentation on Tuesday. He also stated that he would like to see the board become more proactive and not so reactive. They are servants of the city, not politicians with agendas. Alderman Spicer recognized Derek Watson for receiving the (public servant)? of the year award in Sumner County. She also thanked Herman for the presentation on Tuesday. Alderman Matthews thanked the city of Goodlettsville for hosting the all cities event where Watson was awarded. He also thanked Herman for the Tuesday presentation. Herman updated the board with the facts that crosswalk at the tennis courts was complete, and the 15mph signs have been ordered. There are two family events coming up. The block party of Friday (that has passed) and the Trail of Treats.
Reports were acknowledged
13. Consideration of the Following Resolutions:
a. Resolution 24-11: A resolution to establish an updated Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan, devise rules and regulations, and to provide for a Safety Director and the implementation of such program plan. Derek Watson spoke to this. Every 5-7 years this has to be updated. There is an ordinance that goes along with this, but OSHA also wants this in a resolution since it needs to be updated regularly. This update deals with the appendix, and legal verbiage for the federal government. Approved.
b. Resolution 24-12: A resolution to authorize the City of White House to complete an application for license to install and operate law enforcement automated license plate recognition (ALPR) cameras on state highway rights-of-way. This was discussed at length in the August BOMA meeting. The purchasing was approved, and this resolution is the next step in the process. Once this is approved, then they can sign the contract with Flock Safety for the license plate readers to be installed. Chief Brady stated that they have the policy from Hendersonville and are reviewing it in order to create their own. Approved.
c. Resolution 24-14: A resolution to annex certain territories and incorporate the same within the corporate boundaries of the City of White House.Planning director Ceagus Clark spoke to this. Berean Baptist Church on Marlin Road had come to the planning commission in August to ask to be annexed into the city in order to put their church on sewer for an expansion. This will come in at R-20. Matthews asked if they are aware that they will be required to pave their driveway as in city codes. Clark responded that they will be grandfathered in for items like that. Matthews asked if they will need to meet design codes for any additions. Clark stated that they will have to meet all of the design standards, including landscaping for the expansion. Matthews asked if the church was aware of that. Clark stated that if they are not, he will make sure they are told. Wall asked if this has to be R-20, can it be less. Corbitt stated that R-20 is pretty normal for churches, and it’s only five acres. If the church ever sold, any plans would have to come back through planning and BOMA. The city already owns the street. Wall had concerns for property around it. All annexations need to come before the board and will be handled accordingly. Approved.
14. Consideration of the Following Ordinances:
a. Ordinance 24-11: An ordinance establishing the tax rate exceeding the certified property tax rate for 2024 as calculated by the State Board of Equalization for the Tax Year 2024. Third Reading. Discussed for the past several months at BOMA and at the State of the City. See August link above. Approved- Matthews No
b. Ordinance 24-15: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code Title 18, Chapter 7 Stormwater Management, Section 18-702. Second Reading. Discussed last month and August. See August link above. Approved
c. Ordinance 24-16: An ordinance to amend the Zoning Map from Robertson County R-20, Low Density Residential, to C-4, Office Professional, at CCS Private Drive and Sage Road. First Reading.
This is the rezoning request that has come from The Church at Grace Park. They came before the planning board requesting this rezone in order to sell this parcel for on oncology clinic. This was approved at the planning commission. Approved
d. October 24-17: An ordinance to amend the Zoning Map from Sumner County Agricultural, AG, to R-20, Low Density Residential, at 268 Marlin Rd. First Reading. This is the Berean Baptist Church property. It has to be approved in a resolution and an ordinance. Approved
e. Ordinance 24-18: An ordinance to delete the Municipal Code Title 4 Municipal Personnel Chapter 3 Occupational safety and Health Program in its entirety. First Reading. This is the OSHA requirement discussed in the resolution above. Approved.
15. Purchasing:
a. To approve or reject City Administrator Gerald Herman to sign an agreement with CSR Engineering for engineering services for the Union Road Realignment project in the amount of $187,784.00. The City Administrator recommends approval. This is one of the six projects to be completed with the tax increase funds. This is the last one that needs work. The other five have all been approved. Matthews asked if the money had to be paid in a lump sum. Herman stated that the money will be paid as work is completed. Matthews asked if they needed 50% or so up front. Herman reiterated that payment will be as work is completed. Approved.
b. To approve or reject the bid of $1,416,920.50 and allow City Administrator Gerald Herman to sign an agreement with Rogers Group, Inc. for the Hwy 76 and Pleasant Grove Intersection Project. The City Administrator recommends approval. Rogers Group came in with the lowest bid for this project. The city had estimated $1.8 million, and it has come in under budget. Approved.
c. To approve or reject the bid of $25,912.00 and allow City Administrator Gerald Herman to sign an agreement with Perry Roofing Company, Inc. to replace the roof of the Wastewater / Public Services office building. The Wastewater Director recommends approval. The roof of the existing office at the wastewater treatment plant is leaking. They have had rain in the florescent lights. They had a quote come in in June, and it was really high. This quote came in lower. The building has a metal roof with an Ibeam on it. It was sealed with a rubber coating before, but that is leaking. They will build an overlay on the roof. Approved.
d. To approve or reject the purchase of two (2) Digital Message Boards from Highway Safety and Traffic Control Products off the BuyBoard purchasing cooperative contract #703-23 in the amount of $25,990.90. The Public Services Director recommends approval. Manfredi began this by introducing the new assistant in public works. Ivan Maldonado was hired on. He is from East PA, and has lived in Cottontown since 2021. He has been an environmental consultant for 14 years, and with the Air Force in intel for 19. Manfredi is asking for two more digital boards. The ones they have are used for road projects and events such as Discover White House and Americana. The original budget for these signs was $35k. He found this cooperative contract, and these will be cheaper. These signs will allow them to deal with multiple projects at the same time. Approved.
16. Other Business:
a. To approve or reject a Certificate of Compliance for Speedway, LLC located at 1002 Hwy 76 East. Wall asked why the city has to be involved in this. Corbitt answered that in order for them to sell wine, the city needs to approve their certificate. Approved.
Meeting adjourned.
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In case any of your readers missed it in the fine print, it looks like the city is now planning to realign Union Road with Pleasant Grove. I'm no expert, but that seems like a great idea to me. Instead of having 3 traffic lights (Love's, Union, and Pleasant Grove) there would only be 2. Also, in case anyone in Ward 3 wasn't aware, we're electing a new alderman in the November election. I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremy Sisk at the meeting who seems like he'll be a good fit with the current administration and will do a good job representing those of us who live in Ward 3. One of my neighbors (a life long White House resident that I trust) also confirmed Jeremy is a solid guy. Thank you for your service and best wishes to Linda Silver in her next phase of life, whatever that might be.
Ridiculous that one of the board members votes no on the funding source for the road improvements and then votes yes to approve paying for them.