All members of the board were present last night for the February meeting. Items 1-7 were completed and the meeting moved on to public hearings.
Both of these ordinances were second readings and required a public hearing. No one signed up to speak to these items.
#9- City Administrator Herman had the only communication for the night. There was a soft open on the tennis courts. They are open and the only items left are landscaping.
11. Consideration of the Following Resolutions:
a. Resolution 23-01: A resolution adopting Section 125 Premium Only Plan for plan year ending March 31, 2024. According to the HR director, this is required by the IRS to allow the city to withhold benefit dollars pre-tax. Approved
b. Resolution 23-02: A resolution approving certain amendments and revisions to the Personnel Manual The HR director spoke to this item as well. There is language in the manual that needed “cleaning up.” In the employee leave section there is a line that requires employees to “forward to the payroll office” after approval. Since the move to electronic forms and requests, this can no longer be done. Language needs to be removed. The language revolving around leave was also clarified. Employees are allowed to use inclement weather and personal days as part of sick leave if they have run out of sick days. Finally, there is no longer a vehicle maintenance department, so the following line was struck from the manual. Vehicle maintenance personnel may periodically request all city owned vehicles and equipment to be brought to the maintenance shop for preventive maintenance scheduling. Approved
12. Consideration of the Following Ordinances:
a. Ordinance 23-01: An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code Title 1, Chapter 1 Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Sections 1-104 and 1-108. Second Reading.
Public comment will be available to all citizens at each monthly meeting. Roll call vote. All board members yes. Approved
b. Ordinance 23-02: An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code Title 2, Chapter 1 Leisure Services Board, Section 2-101. Second Reading. This would change the leisure services board from residents and a board appointment to member who “shall” be residents leaving it open for non residents to sit on the board. Alderman Hutson began the discussion on this one. All boards were changed several years ago so that members had to be in the city. He knows the woman that this change is regarding. She has moved to Cross Plains, which might as well be out of state. It’s taking a spot from a resident of the city. Spicer disagreed. She lived out of city limits for years and participated in city activities and on community boards and would have welcomed the opportunity to be on a city board. This woman’s contributions and the asset she is should not be discounted. Hutson agreed but then stated she should be allowed to finish her term, but we should not changed the rules for her. Spicer brought up that the beer board has non resident members. Hutson asked if that was an oversight. The planning board went from regional to municipal and people had to step down. The ordinance for the beer board currently doesn’t state “in city limits.” (there is question about this) Derek Watson, city assistant, stated that the term for the woman in question is up this June or next, he was unsure. Mayor Corbitt stated that he sees both sides. As the city continues to grow, it will be easier to get residents on these boards. However many people live just outside city limits and participate in the city, but can’t step up. Spicer also stated that it is a volunteer position, and the receives various fees from people out of the city. Spicer moved to approve the change. It was not seconded. Hutson moved to deny the change. Matthews seconded. A roll call vote was made. Hutson, Matthews, and Corbitt voted to deny the change. Denied
c. Ordinance 23-03: An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code Title 17, Refuse and Trash Disposal in its entirety. First Reading. This was discussed at length in the study session prior to the meeting. Approved
13. Purchasing: a. To approve or reject City Administrator Gerald Herman to enter into an agreement with Jacobs Engineering to develop a Cyber Security Plan for wastewater infrastructure in the amount of $125,000. The Public Services Director recommends approval. This was also discussed at the study session prior to the meeting. Jacobs Engineering was selected for the cyber plan because they were already involved in the build of the wastewater treatment plan. Details about the security plan can be found here. Approved
14. Other Business: a. To approve or reject Willis Towers Watson's recommendations for Cigna Healthcare for medical, vision, LIFE/AD&D and long-term disability insurance coverage, Abacus for short-term disability insurance coverage, and Delta Dental for dental insurance coverage for plan year ending March 31, 2024. The Human Resources Director recommends approval. The HR director brought Todd Harrison to the meeting. He was able to get the city a rate pass for the second year in a row. Because the city renews in March, it seems they were able to avoid the 25% increase some companies saw in January. Delta Dental did see an increase. That increase will be $400 a year, and the city will be picking that up. Three other changes were made. The ER copay decreased as did the out of pocket maximum and the family out of pocket. Approved.
b. Appointment of Ward 3 Alderman Spicer led the discussion with her top two picks. She said Linda Silver and Melissa Thomas were both stand outs and would make great aldermen. Silver has already served the city, and Thomas’s background would be an asset to the board. Mayor Corbitt agreed. Silver has been to meetings, served on the library board, and has voiced concerns at meetings. Thomas’s background is impressive. Hutson stated he was happy to see so many people want to be involved, and thanked everyone for taking the leap. One of the two mentioned is also in his top two. Matthews agreed that Silver is a good candidate, and Thomas as well. Thomas is an attorney, has a masters in public administration and works with the state. The aldermen and mayor thanked the candidates and reiterated what a great job they did. Mayor Corbitt stated that since it was his ward, he would make the motion. He motioned to appoint Linda Silver as alderman of Ward 3. Spicer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was made. All members of the board voted yes. Approved.
Linda Silver is your new Ward 3 alderman.
Meeting adjourned.